

  • MVP: Minimum Viable Product: What we could achieve with small investment that acts as a matchmaker between brands and influencers.
  • FVP: Full Viable Product: Our original goal that needs bigger funding
  • St Pete: St Petersburg, the city in FL (33701) where Axees will acquire an office and do yearly events at.
  • KYC: Know Your Customer. Is a standard due diligence process used by financial institutions and other financial services companies to assess and monitor customer risk and verify a customer's identity.
  • Stalkless-data: term created by Axees CEO to refer to an environment that doesn’t support cookies as a form to track customers usage in order to push marketing for sales.
  • Ecosystem: Refers to the purposely engineered connections and mutual benefits derived from the interactions between all modules that make Axees. Advertising feeds creators’ income, creators make content for users, users consume content and ads, that generate sales, so companies can advertise and pay creators, etc etc. They may pay in dollars or crypto.

Budget class

Budget class helps influencers know the size of the company and how much they’re willing to allocate to marketing. A local coffee shop needs as much help as an international starbucks chain, but some influencers will still see the benefits of building their portfolio by doing a variety of work with different brands sizes. Others may only have time for the strongest budgets. Either way, Axees will help you find each other! The more funds you put on your brand’s wallet, the more offers and options you’ll have. Doesn’t mean you’ll spend it all, but we need this to assure the influencer you’re ready for commitment without doubts














Ranks of influencers can help brands know exactly what and who they’re dealing with. An influencer with 111M followers (Pewdiepie) isn’t the same price as your local influencer, but depending on your budget and Axees Wallet Size, you may be able to reach the top stars or not.


    Stars: 10 million+ followers


    Mega-Influencers: 1 million+ followers.


    Macro-influencers: 500,000-1 million followers.


    Mid-tier influencers: 50,000-500,000 followers.


    Micro-influencers: 10,000-50,000 followers.


    Nano-influencers: 1,000-10,000 followers.